Our Services
Our Services
Lactation consultation
1. What is an IBCLC?
- An international Board Certified Lactation Consultant IIBCLC) is certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (ICBLE) after passing training, clinical attachments and examinations.
2. How can an IBCLC help?
Breastfeeding is natural but does not always comes easy.
- Challenges for mothers:
- Sore / cracked nipples
- Flat / inverted nipples
- Low milk supply
- Plugged ducts
- Breastfeeding after C-section or difficult delivery
- Challenges for babies:
- Switching from bottle to breastfeed
- Breast refusal
- Tongue tie
- Colic
- Gastric reflux
- IBCLC can support mothers to achieve good latch position and feeding technique, maintain balance between milk production and baby’s demand, improve blockage problems by hands on treatment and massage, etc
3. If you experience difficulties in breastfeeding, you are welcome to consult our IBCLC for further evaluation and advise.
- 食道胃鏡檢查
- 大腸鏡檢查
- 內窺鏡手術
- 活組織檢查
- 異物拿取
- 腸道出血治療
- 息肉切除
- 皮膚/皮下疾病
- 膿腫/軟組織感染發炎
- 外傷傷口
- 燒傷/燙傷
- 腸道疾病
- 異物吞嚥
- 闌尾炎(俗稱盲腸炎)
- 腸套疊
- 疝氣(俗稱小腸氣)
- 嵌入/窒息性腹股溝疝
- 陰莖
- 包皮炎/包皮龜頭炎
- 陰莖嵌頓
- 睪丸
- 急性睪丸疼痛/睪丸精索扭轉
- 唇顎裂修復;
- 無孔處女膜手術
- 肥大性幽門狹窄;
- 肛門直腸畸形;
- 陰唇粘連
- 血管血管畸形(參考ISSVA的分類)
- 淋巴管畸形
- 靜脈畸形
- 微血管畸形
- 良性腫瘤
- 血管腫瘤
- 畸胎瘤
- 惡性腫瘤
Contact Us
Hotline | 2388 2886 / 9381 0077 | |
9381 0077 | ||
Paedicare | ||
Fax | 2388 7871 | |
enquiry@paedicare.com.hk | ||
Address | Flat A, 3/F, Bonds Mansion, 554 Nathan Road, Kowloon 九龍彌敦道554號寶聲大廈3樓A座 |
Appointment |
Monday to Saturday |
9 AM to 6 PM |
Closed on Sundays and public holidays |